Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Face Swapping Pictures

2. Though the instructional video was only 25 minutes, this being the projects original appeal as the last of the 7 projects to complete for this class, I ended up spending a couple of days making the personal image simply because of minor time-consuming adjustments to mend these faces together.

3. Because of low resolution, after i transformed this guys face to match the larger girls face I got some very undesired pixilation which hindered the authenticity of this projects skin blending potential.

4. Finding a good picture to use for this project took much time because of how specific of a picture I needed. These specifics being skin color, face angle, resolution, lighting and camera proximity.

5. I would put my face on the picture I created to save time.

7. 4 because of how hard it is to find a picture and the absurd amount of time spent tweaking it. Though I did learn an important photoshop skill in the end, this being the use of the "Curves" feature

1 comment:

  1. cool. yeah, i think you did a good job adjusting skin tones on this one with the curves adjustment. i think it would have been nice, though, to have a harder-edged brush on both images so that they don't have a "glow" around their chins. i think the tutorial one looks pretty realistic. the watermark on your original version is distracting, but i understand it's appeal (his face is looking the right way). one way to fix this would have been to use the clone tool to cover up the water mark, but i'm not sure if you ever learned that tool.. probably not.

    anyway, nice job.

    Creativity: 90
    Artistry: 80
    Effort: 100
    Mastery of Unit Goals: 90
    Followed Directions: 100

    Unit AVG: 92
